Aug 16, 2020

What Do We Think?

8/16/2020 — cori

This is Chloe. She is 16, therefore I no longer shop for school clothes with her. There are many things she says I don't understand and her "style" is one of them. She officially doesn't have a style...she just "knows it when she sees it." I can't argue with that since I've said this most of my life when it comes to design. So, she gets a pass on that one. 

This year Chloe decided that she would budget some of her own, hard earned money and go "back to school" (that's funny in the era of covid, btw) shopping with her friend. Plus, it's just cooler to go places by yourself cuz  you can now that you have a car, license, and money. While she's out, at what apparently are the "cool" stores that I don't understand, I get this text...


Just goes to show that parenting is never done. Also, you never know what type of texts you might get. Ever. I never planned for a text of this nature. How does one respond? I don't even know Larry the Cable Guy. But I'm so thankful she is thoughtful enough to ask before buying it. In the end, that's really all that matters.

We both asked Chuck and he informed us that was in fact the guy who voiced "Mater" in "Cars." We like "Cars." We like Mater. Now, we know we like Larry the Cable Guy. We now have an official family position on Larry the Cable Guy and we affirm him - just in case you were wondering.

For the record, she came home with mostly great clothes choices. This was a win/win for both of us. We didn't butt heads. She learned how to budget and spend money wisely. She didn't feel guilty for saying 'no' to all things I point out. I didn't feel exasperated. Our relationship is in tact and all are happy...and we are not promoting a weird guy.

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