Nov 24, 2012


Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time filled with so many traditions and things to be thankful for.   The last four years, a tradition we've been very thankful for has been spending this most wonderful holiday with Chuck's brother John and his wife Karen.  There is no shortage of laughter or food when we're together.   This Thanksgiving we....

Spent time with John & Karen

explored the beauty of Aspen filled forests

and the splendor of Gooseberry Falls

stood feet away from wildlife

 reflected on the calm beauty of nature

took lots of pictures of each other

spent time as a family

held up rocks

 crossed bridges

 kept our brother from falling

 climbed cliff faces

stood on the edge of the world

climbed rocks in Lake Superior

played Quelf

played Guesstures

did Thanksgiving yoga

did Thanksgiving headstands

fried a turkey we could actually eat

ate a delicious dinner

dressed up for dinner in formal attire

played football in sleet 


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