Mar 18, 2015


Since the kids have been very young, they've always done the after dinner chores.  One of them sweeps, one does the dishes and the other clears the table and dries dishes all while babbling incessantly or listening to loud music or making weird, loud noises.  It's how they roll.  During this nightly ritual, Chuck and I wander off to our bedroom or the study or the family room and have some much needed time together catching up on our days.  Often times the kids find us cuddling.  I guess we talk better when we cuddle.

So the other day, we're in position on the floor talking when Bennett comes wandering downstairs smiling at us.  You always have to wonder what Bennett is up to when he's smiling at you.  He comes, stands over us and says, "You guys are going to make a cute old couple."

No explanation, no expounding on his thinking process, no nothing.  We're left wondering if he thinks we're old now.  Or maybe he saw us 30 years down the road lying on the floor because we both fell and couldn't get up.  Why doesn't he think we're a cute young couple?  Does cuddling make us cute or is lying on the floor cute?  Unfortunately, we'll never know.

But cuddling is definitely a huge part of our love language around here.  Bennett still cuddles me whenever he gets the chance.  Chloe loves to snuggle up close all the time.  And Chuck, well, he's a world class cuddler.  I'm glad Bennett thinks laying on the floor cuddling the one you love is normal (at any age)...because it sure is around here.


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