Sep 22, 2019

Homecoming Festivities

My sweet 15 year old. These are the best days of her life! 

Just like the song confirms.

Homecoming began this week. Now that these two (who are more like sisters than friends) are sophomores, they rocked this year's festivities like they owned the school. They got into every dress up day and activity.

This was for neon day. Sophomores wore neon yellow.

This was for cowboy day. Chloe didn't own a pair of cowboy boots. Drama ensued. A simple trip to Goodwill scored her a pair of Tony Loma $20 genuine cowhide boots. You're welcome. I single-handedly saved cowboy day with my shopping prowess. 

Their presence at school was also required two evenings during this week of great celebration. They were in attendance at the girls powderpuff football game and the boys peach fuzz volleyball game. Not a part of the homecoming festivities, but happening anyway, was the Windsor Tennis Invitational. The girls stopped by to cheer Bennett and his teammate, Chance, on. 

Finally, the piece de resistance of the week: The Homecoming Football Game (in which we lost)

These girls were sardined 

Somewhere amongst this sea of humanity. When they all started jumping up and down on the bleachers during certain cheers, I started thanking God for engineers who foresaw this very scenario and added that extra rebar of protection for the anxious parents also in attendance, (but not allowed to sit next to their uber cool kids - because, social suicide).

And then the icing on the cake: The Homecoming Dance. These four went together and boogied the night away.

It brings me such great joy watching these two goofballs make the most of every moment and enjoy this incredible time of their precious lives. Like the song says....15, there's never a wish better than this...


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