Feb 22, 2013

I Like To Laugh

2/22/2013 — cori

These just make me laugh.  No other reason for posting them other than, maybe I can remember to use one of the lines when I'm in a pinch and I need something funny to say, like, when Chuck and I don't see things eye to eye.

I can totally use this one on the kids 
multiple times a day...um, I mean, a week.


It's A Dog's Life

2/22/2013 — cori

I don't know if these pictures do an adequate enough job of conveying the incredible thrill that Ninja gets when she's outside in the snow.  To say she loves winter would be an understatement.  Winter, and snow specifically, invigorates her to no end.  She remembers that she is a dog and not a cat and prances and runs and plays and rolls all around the snow without a care in the world.  She pays no mind to the plummeting temperatures.  It's probably because she knows she can come in and claim her place in front of the fireplace and resume her boring, cat-like life again.

Digging for her bone in the snow.  

Throwing the found bone up in the air for joy.

Her typical posture and place for most of the day.


2/22/2013 — cori

February has always meant one thing to Chloe: Dancing with Daddy.  It has become their little 'thing'.  It is equivalent to the Miss America pageant to Chloe.  The getting ready part is of utmost importance.  She told me that this year she was going to let me be her chamber maid.  That means I got to do her hair, tie her dress and apply her make-up.   I was honored.  

It must feel amazing to look this pretty.

Quick practice twirl to make sure the dress is adequate for dancing.

Etiquette practice.  Never know when you're going to need to curtsy.

Dancing partner.... 

 and proud papa.

And then there is this:

While Chuck and Chloe are going all glam for the evening, the boys and I are wandering through the mirror maze at the Mall of America hoping it doesn't close before we find our way out of the intolerable, claustrophobic, insane...I mean, amazing maze of mirrors all around you.  For those of you who love to look at all angles of yourself, this is the place for you.  And to think I actually paid money to be tortured like this. 

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