Jan 19, 2011

Family Go-Karting

I never thought I'd see the day, but it finally arrived....we went go-karting as a family. If we could only have one of those tracks in our own back yard, we might just be the happiest family on the planet.

As part of Gavin's 12th birthday present, we told him we'd take him go-kart racing, but it had to be a family activity. Unfortunately for us, there was still snow on the ground on his actual birthday and it was only 20 something degrees. So he patiently waited till the 'all you can ride' special on this past Monday. To his utter joy we could go around that little track, in those highly diesel smelling little 'cars' for as along as our hearts desired...only we had to do it at night.

Let me tell you, there's nothing quite like getting passed by your 12 year old on the road. Chuck acted like a professional NASCAR driver hugging the corners and cutting people off. And then there was your speed conscious, non-risk taking mother out there (me - just in case you couldn't tell) who actually put on her brakes to go around those little hair-pin corners. Come to find out, that's not what you do.

Chuck and I each had a little passenger with us. Whenever Bennett was in my car he kept up a constant play by play about where we were and where everyone else was and kept yelling at me to "GO FASTER". The car only has one speed and that is with your foot all the way down on the pedal. On top of that he kept pointing to me which direction I should go. Did you know that there is only one direction you can go? I think I have a little backseat driver on my hands. Chloe only rode with me once, she preferred Daddy's speed demon car to my slower variety. She kept telling me, "Daddy goes faster." Duh.

And the best part was, we got to go round and round and round and round without ever taking a break. A normal ride only lasts 5 minutes. But the cool teenagers in charge of the go-karts that night let us go around for what seemed like an eternity without taking a break. We were jerked around by that little lawn mower engine for an hour and a half. Definitely worth the money. And enduring the 48 degree temperature.

I think I like celebrating 12 years old.

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