Jul 4, 2015

Adventures in Germany

Gavin has returned home from his Adventures in Germany in one piece, I am thrilled to say!  This was a life changing trip for him.  He said he felt he grew in independence, confidence and especially in his German language fluency.  He also acquired many great, new friends along the way.

Max and his family hosted Gavin while in Lahr. 
Max is the one directly next to Gavin.

This is at the farewell party the night before they left Lahr.  
Enjoying his time with a group of new American and German friends.

Gavin has so much to say about his time in Germany that he will be devoting pretty much the rest of the summer to regaling us with his tales of adventure.  Be sure to check out his blog.

I've been asked often how I handled it while he was gone.  Actually, I wasn't the least bit sad, worried or scared. I trusted him and his teacher immensely. I trusted God. There wasn't a whole lot any worry could have done to help.  I missed him, but not in a sad way. I was excited each time I got the chance to text with him and hear about his day. It was one more little step towards the ultimate goal of 'letting go'.

Most of all, I shared his sense of excitement and adventure.  I knew he'd come home a changed, more well-rounded young man with a new outlook on the world around him.  You can't teach what he learned by going abroad in a classroom.  Real life is the best teacher.  It also helps that he had an amazing host family, a teacher who has been doing this same trip with kids for 20 years and a great small group of friends.

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