Oct 30, 2020

The Post-Bennett Era


In these new times we're living in, The Post-Bennett Era, things look ALOT different. Take for instance, our menu board. Notice that absolutely nothing is written upon it. Bennett would have none of that. Every meal must be pre-thought out and planned a week in advance. He HAS to know what he'll be eating, and when, at all times. I have accommodated him for 18+ years.

And now that he's off at school with "the best meal plan ever" (unlimited food, whenever you want it), I've gotten a little lax in our meal planning, with the menu board as evidence. Many nights the three of us just rummage through the cupboard and fridge and piece meal something together. Often, it's tea, toast, and eggs. Our friends refer to this style as "Choose Your Own Adventure" night, which we've been happy to adopt since it fits our lifestyle so well. Sometimes, it's nothing.

We've always referred to Bennett as the glue of the family. Apparently, he's also the one who keeps us eating and eating on time. Although, don't be fooled, he cooks none of his own food (with his famed lunch quesadillas as the lone exception). Maybe saying he's a great Food Supervisor would be more appropriate. All I know is, we never saw this coming. I used to be as addicted to eating every two hours as Bennett is. I needed to know exactly when I was eating and what it was (I wonder where he got it from?). But now-a-days, I truly don't care. Meal scheduling, planning, and timing is like a story from yesteryear that sounds vaguely familiar. And I'm loving it.


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